Mel Williams
Mel Williams Coaching
Inspiring the transformational life changes you seek, whatever they may be, to move you forward into a positive, exciting future.
I am far from being a typical life coach. I am your guiding practitioner and friendly confidante, on your journey to healthy wellbeing and positive growth.
Through my proven 8 step process, coupled with extensive knowledge and training, we can build a tailored armoury of tools. Supporting you through the transformational change you seek, to be a healthier, happier, you.
I will always aim to be relatable and approachable however serious the topic, being the first to laugh at myself to help break the ice and barriers.
Proven Coaching Steps
Interactive Workplace Sessions
Mel's Values
Why I do this?
I sought various areas of treatment, including life coaching, CBT, mindfulness, mental health first aid, NLP, and psychology, to cope with the trauma of losing my first child in 2011. It took me years to seek help, as my brain had suppressed memories and distorted reality. However, I found that creating a toolbox of tools from each area of treatment helped me move forward, and I developed a passion for helping others do the same. I am now qualified in all of these areas and can provide holistic support. Instead of bouncing between coaches, counsellors, and therapists, my clients receive a bespoke range of tools to inspire positive change. I am not a typical life coach, but an inspirer of transformational change.
Mel's Services
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Lets Identify your self limiting beliefs, take back what is within your control, let go of what is not, and overcome your stress, anxiety and trauma.
With training and qualifications in
Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
Mental Health First Aid
Contact Mel.
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